The mission of our Earth is the cultivation of the principle of Love
to its highest degree by those beings who are evolving upon it. . .
Love is the ground, the foundation, of everything alive…
Love did not come into the world by degrees;
it flowed into humanity as a gift of the Godhead,
completely and perfectly whole. . . for God is pure love,
not supreme wisdom, nor supreme might. . .
When, through love, we have found the path to wisdom,
we reach wisdom through the increasing power of self-conquest,
through selfless love.
Rudolf Steiner—
Love & Its Meaning in the World
Thank you for your interest in my work, founded upon the principle that Love is ultimately the most meaningful of human experiences. In all its various forms, love leads us to the fulfillment of human existence. It has the power to unite us with our true self, with the spiritual essence in others, and it has the power to carry us on wings of selflessness to unite with the Divine.
The courses available here address inner development and the deepening of one’s spiritual life toward the cultivation of a greater capacity to love. Offered herein are foundational courses and programs, as well as in-depth opportunities for exploration of inner development and spiritual unfolding. All courses—current or previously given—are available by audio recording.
Personal consultations and lecture engagements are possible. I welcome you to contact me if you have any questions.